Content Marketer Holiday Everything To Know Amy Boylan

Content marketer? Going on holiday? Here’s what you need to know

Another Tuesday, another chance to put my questions to the wise and generous #ContentClubUK.

If you’re not familiar: every Tuesday at 11am UK time, some lucky person gets to ask three questions of an ever-expanding audience of content marketing stars. Over the next 30 minutes, copywriters, designers, marketers, social media experts and others from the content world pile in with their advice, experience and ideas.

It’s tons of fun and I frequently leave with something that changes the way I do business.

Because the sun’s shining and a break might be on the cards, we talked about vacations:

Q1: Are you taking time off this summer? If so, is a full digital detox the key to rebooting your creativity, or do you keep an eye on your inbox and a work-related book?

Q2: What content are you scheduling for yourself and clients over the summer? And do you change your style and strategy?

Q3: How do you prepare your business for time away? How do you keep clients content and the pipeline healthy while you get some headspace?

The crowd didn’t disappoint. Here’s everything you need to know,  from mental health to shorts and CTAs.

Q1 | Are you taking time off this summer?

Like me, lots admitted that it’s tough to switch off entirely.

And are you really a writer if you’re not trailing a pile of books in your suitcase?

Several people commented that taking regular breaks is about far more than creativity. Because there’s no surer way of crushing your business than working yourself into burn out.

I’m with Matt and Dee on this one – my best clients have waved me off with good wishes for my holidays. And it could be an orange flag if they don’t.

Alice has her priorities straight on holiday.

Ben boldly tried a detox and wrote about it.

Dominic points out that time off needs to be factored into your rate all year round.

And Sian talked of those magical things we hope to reconnect with after a break.

Q2 | What content are you scheduling for yourself and clients over the summer? And do you change your style and strategy?

For some, the summer content they’re creating is business as usual.

Others voted for letting a little bit of the beach vibe into content creation, with Fi revelling in the chance to change things up.

And Alice wasn’t alone in pointing out that summer is often the busiest time for her business.

Q3 | How do you prepare your business for time away? How do you keep clients content and the pipeline healthy while you get some headspace?

Consensus is that giving your clients plenty of notice you’ll be away is vital to keeping them happy.

You might want to take on some extra work before you go away to boost your wallet and increase your chances of returning to a calm inbox.

Jake offered us his 4 point plan for getting set.

And Gareth reminds us that a small delay is probably not the end of the world.

Ben, James and Glenn have plenty of ideas to keep their sales pitch going while they relax.

Bonus Q

Hootsuite, Buffer, Later and Slack are on Tracey’s list, Jas recommends @adiosHQ to limit the time you spend checking mail, and then there are those keeping it simple:

Jake takes the time to get creative for himself.

And, finally, some excellent posts to find more holidays tips:

Massive thanks to everyone who took part. In conclusion:

  • Time off is vital for your health and your creativity, and probably more than a fortnight once a year.
  • Only you know if a total digital break or the odd, time-limited check-in with your inbox will leave you calmer.
  • Give clients plenty of notice you’ll be away and squeeze some extra work in if you can.
  • Spot your best clients because they’ll be the ones happy for you to take a holiday.
  • Schedule content while you’re away and let it pitch for you.
  • See your Out of Office as a chance to show off your creativity and drum up a little more business.
  • Maybe grab the chance summer offers for a lighter tone and some fresh inspiration.

Come on and join us for #ContentClubUK

#ContentClubUK will be here all summer, so don’t miss out on the chance to meet lovely people and pick up some winning tips. Follow the hashtag from 11am UK time every Tuesday, and get stuck in.

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