Start-ups – how to get help when you make the leap

You’ve found a gap in the market that’s you-shaped. You’re convinced you can execute that idea far better yourself. You know that your blend of skills is unique and your offer is priceless. If now is the time to start your own business, here are some helping hands…

This is the last post in a three-part series about getting back to work after a career break. There’s no shortage of articles online about the practicalities of starting-up. Instead, this focuses on seven steps for shaping your mindset and skillset to get you fit for the journey ahead. Continue reading

Finding a new career direction

How to find a second career you’ll love. 5 steps to action.

Do you have the feeling that your dream job is still out there? Or that your career doesn’t fit with your values or the shape of your life any more? A career break might have given you space to daydream of something different… and it’s the perfect opportunity for reinvention.

This is the second of a three part series about coming back from a career break with confidence and purpose. I’m sharing the amazing resources that I found as I made the career shift to copywriting. Part one is aimed at you if you want to return to work and have a clear idea of the role you’re targeting. Part two is for you if you want to find a new direction.

Here are five steps to move you into action when your mind is racing but you can’t find your path… Continue reading

How to find work after a career break. 6 things you’ll want to know.

Find job after a career breakMaybe you’ve taken a year or two. Maybe you’ve taken longer. Maternity leave, following a spouse’s job, an international move… All kinds of things could be behind a career break.

This is the first of a three part series, sharing the ocean of advice and resources that I found before I decided to combine my writing and business development loves and retrain as a copywriter. Part one is aimed at you if you know the role you’re looking for. The next two will be about finding a new direction and retraining or starting your own business. Continue reading